Produção biotecnológica de 2,3-butanodiol no contexto de Biorrefinaria


  • Daniele Misturini Rossi UFRGS
  • Estela Marisutti
  • Izabella Zabot Assis



Biorefinery systems that integrate biomass conversion processes for the production of fuels, energy and chemicals from renewable resources are increasingly gaining ground in industrial development, due to the growing search for innovation and process sustainability, given the lower availability of fossil fuels. Lignocellulosic biomass is energy residues with vast abundance and low cost in the market, making them attractive sources of carbon for the chemical and energy industries. 2,3- butanediol (2,3-BD) is considered a promising chemical and fuel product due to its extensive applications in the industry, being well-regarded for production from biotechnological conversion processes, using alternative carbon sources. Thus, in this work, a systematic literature search was carried out, in order to review the general development of 2,3-BD biorefinery production processes, including the substrates used, the conversion routes employed and the products that can be obtained in this procedure. Strategies for its efficient biotechnological production were analyzed, through a delineated review, based on the fermentation process of microorganisms capable of synthesizing 2,3-BD from different substrates used of the applied metabolic route, and operating conditions necessary for its efficient production. This review also covers the different strategies applied for the recovery and purification of 2,3-BD, as, currently, downstream processing is one of the main barriers to its efficient and economical industrial fermentation.






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