Microbiological analysis of the water of publicly accessible mines in Uberaba, Minas Gerais


  • William Raimundo Costa Associação de Preservação e Pesquisa Ambiental Vale Encantado - APPAVE
  • Ariana Thais Duarte
  • Otaviano Mendonça Ribeiro Filho
  • Silvio Roberto
  • Ana Maria Zanelatto




Water is an efficient way of spreading diseases and therefore should be thoroughly monitored. In the present study, 07
publicly accessible water mines were monitored in Uberaba, Minas Gerais, and 07 semiannual microbiological tests
were carried out between 2017 and 2020, totaling 56 analyses in different seasonal periods. The microbiological analysis
method was chromogenic reagent, with indication by staining of the presence of total coliforms, and fluorescence in
dark chamber for Escherichia coli. It was verified that all the studied mines presented water inadequate for human
consumption. Total coliforms were detected in 100% of the analyses performed and 67.85% of these samples were
confirmed with E. coli contamination, with a higher incidence of E. coli in the rainy season. Considering the data verified
in the present study, the water collected of the mines studied are inadequate for human consumption, representing a
serious risk to public health.





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